
Monday, January 19, 2015

"There is a battle for your mind over who will control America. The truth is in plain sight for those who seek it. But none do inside the MSM because that is their death knell (see Helen Thomas and Sharyl Attkisson). That is why the elites want to control the Internet and shut down alternative media."

The battle for your mind

If your news comes from the MSM, you’ve lost it

Who rules America? Not the people, but they believe that they do.

It is far easier for the establishment to rule as long as they can keep the people thinking that they rule themselves. U.S. elections are a sham, and U.S. politicians are a disgrace. But as long as people can vote, they feel convinced that they can influence government.

The recent win by the establishment in the vote to retain Weeper John Boehner as speaker, the revised proposal by Republican senators to bring in millions of immigrants for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) jobs that do not exist, and the touting of Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush in the mainstream media as front-runners for the GOP presidential nomination should have put that lie to bed. But people don’t think for themselves. They think what the controlled media tells them to think.

We are imprisoned by our thoughts as they are prescribed by the elites. And sadly, most people have no clue that they don’t know or what they don’t know and believe they know far more than others in the crowd around them. They live their whole lives believing they make choices as they are free to do when they are making choices only as prescribed by the system and to the benefit of the state.

People often question my claim that the mass media is equally responsible for mass manipulation, together with the politicians and ecumenical religious leaders. What you may or may not know, however, is this simple fact: One-world government and one-world religion (this is something I will deal with in future articles) requires one-world propaganda. Until one understands this fact, one cannot read between the lines or otherwise decipher mass media reports, and thus begin to make sense of the “global loonies” and their “globaloney.”

Six mega-corporations control 90 percent of all that you read, watch or hear. This is down from more than 50 companies 30 years ago. Here is a graphic that shows how it works.

The so-called “journalists” from those organizations operate in an echo chamber founded by a left-wing activist, Billy Wimsatt.

More than 1,000 of these front-line “journalists” and editorialists from such organizations as CNN, The Huffington Post, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Thomson Reuters, The Nation, Al Jazeera America, U.S. News & World Report, among others — along with members of progressive (i.e., socialist/communist) think tanks and activist organizations like the Center for Media and Democracy, the American Legislative Issue Campaign Exchange and the American Sustainable Business Council — are members of a secretive and closed Google group called Gamechanger Salon in which they meet online to exchange information, ideas and strategy to promote progressive ideas, policies and candidates.

Almost all major television media currently have strong ties to the Obama administration and government agencies. CBS News President David Rhodes and ABC News President Ben Sherwood both have siblings employed by Obama’s National Security Council working on policy issues. CNN’s Virginia Moseley is married to Tom Nides, former deputy secretary of State who worked under Hillary Clinton at the time of the Benghazi attacks. Former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is married to ABC reporter Claire Shipman. Carney is now a contributor for CNN. NPR’s White House correspondent, Ari Shapiro, is married to Michael Gottlieb, who works in the White House counsel’s office. Vice President Joe Biden’s communications director is Shailigh Murray, a former reporter for The Washington Post who is married to Neil King, one of the Wall Street Journal’s top political reporters.

But it’s not confined to the Obama administration. George Stephanopoulos, the chief anchor and chief political reporter at ABC News, is a former Democrat operative and Bill Clinton communications director and senior policy adviser. He’s also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

The CFR, according to the late Carroll Quigley (himself a CFR member) in his book “Tragedy and Hope,” “… is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established.”

For more than eight decades, most cabinet posts for both Republican and Democrat presidents, as well as past presidents, vice presidents and presidential candidates are/were CFR members. These include Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, George McGovern, Jimmy Carter, Jack Kemp, Geraldine Ferraro, George H.W. Bush (who was also CIA), Bill Clinton, Gary Hart, Mario Cuomo, Michael Dukakis, Walter Mondale, Dick Cheney, John McCain, Bill Bradley, John Kerry, Al Gore, John Edwards, Joe Lieberman, Newt Gingrich, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. The CFR’s membership list is a Who’s Who of the heads of the State Departments and senior presidential advisers past and present.

In the media, Fox News star Charles Krauthammer is a CFR member, as is Tom Brokaw, Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Dan Rather, Diane Sawyer, Barbara Walters, Paula Zahn, Bill Moyers, James Zogby (of the Zogby poll) and Fox News CEO Roger Ailes.

Former George W. Bush Press Secretary Dana Perino is a Fox News co-host and political commentator. Nina Easton of Fortune Magazine and a frequent Fox News contributor is married to Russell Schriefer, a Republican operative who was Mitt Romney’s senior adviser in 2012.

The late Tim Russert, who hosted NBC’s “Meet the Press” for 17 years until his death in 2008, was a former Democrat operative and worked previously for Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan and New York Gov. Mario Cuomo.

Under the Bush regime, we learned that syndicated broadcast host Armstrong Williams was paid $240,000 by the Department of Education to promote the No Child Left Behind Act. In 2004, the Department of Health and Human Services disseminated a propaganda video promoting the Medicare prescription drug law that ended with the tagline “In Washington, I’m Karen Ryan reporting.” This video and several like it were run by local television stations as news clips without disclosing its source. This was blatant government propaganda that violated U.S. law, and it was shut down by an inspector general.

In October, a German reporter revealed in a book titled “Gekaufte Journalisten” (translates to “Bought Journalism”) that most of the national journalists work for intelligence agencies like the CIA, Germany’s Bundasnachrichtendienst (BND), Israel’s Mossad and Great Britain’s MI6.

Dr. Udo Ulfkotte told American Free Press that “typically, intelligence agencies use ‘unofficial covers’ — people working for the agency but not actually on its payroll as agents. It is a broad, loose network of ‘friends,’ doing one another favors. Many are lead journalists from numerous countries. This informality provides plausible deniability for both sides, but it means an ‘unofficial cover,’ as Ulfkotte became, is on his own if captured.”

Reporters get large sums of money, gifts, public recognition, significant career advancement and open doors to the elite policymakers in the Trilateral Commission (an arm of the CFR), Atlantik-Brücke, the Aspen Institute and German Marshall Fund of the United States in exchange for information obtained through spying. Those who don’t cooperate are fired.

Utfkottee told RT: “We’re talking about puppets on a string, journalists who write or say whatever their masters tell them to say or write. If you see how the mainstream media is reporting about the Ukraine conflict and if you know what’s really going on, you get the picture. The masters in the background are pushing for war with Russia and western journalists are putting on their helmets… I’m ashamed I was part of it. Unfortunately I cannot reverse this. Although my superiors at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung approved of what I did, I’m still to blame. But yes, to my knowledge I am the first to accuse myself and to prove many others are to blame.”

James Foley, the journalist allegedly beheaded by ISIS, was likely CIA and definitely had ties to the CIA front group USAID. If indeed he was beheaded, he learned firsthand what “on his own if captured” really means.

It is common knowledge that CNN’s Anderson Cooper was (is? It’s conventional wisdom that once one is CIA he is always CIA) CIA before he took his CNN gig. National Review founder William F. Buckley was also CIA (and a CFR member), and it’s likely the CIA funded the startup of his neocon publication, National Review. His son Christopher revealed in a book that Buckley maintained CIA ties after he began running the magazine.

So-called “feminist icon,” political activist and founder of Ms. magazine Gloria Steinem is also CIA — and a communist.

Fox News, the go-to site for most conservatives looking for “news” that is “fair and balanced,” is partially owned (7 percent stake) by Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. Talal has claimed in speeches that he’s made calls to Fox majority owner Rupert Murdock, a member of the CFR (who is Australian and whose British news agencies were involved in an illegal phone hacking scandal), to influence the network’s reporting on Muslim affairs.

The talking head commentators you see on television spinning the various pro-state, pro-war memes — particularly on Fox — are neocons and decepticons who earn paychecks from various think tanks funded by various corporations, co-ops and foreign governments, as are the “experts” testifying before Congressional committees and lobbyists buying favors from Congressweasels and government agencies.

Foreign relations, the key aim of the CFR, was the entry for globalism to destroy American sovereignty and independence.

Globalism as a permanent aspect of American government was enshrined in the 1920s, beginning with the Wilson administration and World War I and culminating in an irrevocable, imperialistic, military presence all over the world. Globalism is the ultimate form of collectivism.

This should help you to better understand why politicians and their media enablers continue to advocate for policies contrary to the best interests of America and its people.

The globalists plan to import great masses of Third World people to take American jobs at starvation wages and thus finish off the middle class once and for all. As part of the implementation, all sorts of Third World diseases are being introduced to the U.S., from West Nile virus to Ebola to the norovirus.

Also, as the Democrats discovered, and as the establishment branch of the Republicans seeks to take advantage of, Third Worlders make a wonderful voter base for the expansion of national collectivism. Coming from socialist hellholes, they clamor for nanny-state socialist programs and anti-gun legislation that are anathema to conservative Americans.

Unlimited immigration is phase two of the “free trade” movement, the first phase of which exported American manufacturing jobs and companies to Third World nations. By this method the globalists circumvent the American political process (another notorious CFR “end run around national sovereignty,” as CFR member Richard Gardner described it in 1974), for certainly very few Americans would vote to revolutionize America to create a nation that doesn’t speak English or embrace American values of hard work, independence and self-reliance.

The globalist mass media must be decoded on our terms — on the basis of our original politics, our original culture, our original beliefs and our original traditions. Unless one approaches the mass media in this way, one does not have the tools to keep from being brainwashed by globalism, even if it is called “democratic” globalism.

The need to conceal evil is becoming less necessary as the American people themselves continue to become more perverted. Democracy is all about the transformation of human beings to the animal farm of mass mental brutalization where they are conditioned to defend their worst betrayers.

There is a battle for your mind over who will control America. The truth is in plain sight for those who seek it. But none do inside the MSM because that is their death knell (see Helen Thomas and Sharyl Attkisson). That is why the elites want to control the Internet and shut down alternative media.


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