
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Did bomb drill go live at Boston Marathon? Questions need to be answered. Will anyone in the media ask them? I bet we all know the answer to that one...

I did not post all the photos that are embedded in the article. They have been posted here in previous posts and can be seen by going to the links provided or by viewing previous posts...

Was the Boston Bombing a “Dry-Run Disaster” Gone Live?

Victory Post – by Lucas Bowser

The Boston Bomber suspects’ mother is claiming that the FBI was in contact with her son. She claims in an interview with Russia Today that “they were controlling every step of him…” She says, “He was controlled by FBI for like, three, five years. They knew what my son was doing.” Their father is saying something similar. “Somebody clearly framed them. I don’t know who exactly framed them, but they did.”

Because the mainstream media outlets continue to treat questions concerning the possibility of false flag terrorism in the Boston Bombing as absurd, the alternative media is left with the job of investigating this angle. For those considering this possibility, the evidence of drills is key in determining if the attacks might have been carried out through the establishment bureaucracy. So how likely is it that there were drills being run at the Boston Marathon?

A 2008 article from the Boston Globe indicates that it is very likely, as it explains the value of holding disaster drills during massive events like the Boston Marathon. The article by Arnold Bogis titled, “Marathon as a dry-run disaster” states ”today thousands of runners and hundreds of thousands of spectators are unwittingly taking part in a planned disaster.” While that may sound dangerous, Bogis assures us that the people are not only safe but they are actually making the “citizens of Greater Boston safer in case of a natural catastrophe or terrorist attack.”

As a former policy analyst for a Department of Homeland Security grant at George Washington University’s Homeland Security Policy Institute, Bogis goes on to explain that organizers see these, “annual gatherings of hundreds of thousands of people” as perfect opportunities to, “evaluate new technologies” and “exercise disaster plans.” He states that to successfully manage the marathon, public safety agencies, “must have relationships…with a diverse set of private organizations” so that, “When a real disaster strikes, these contacts can be called upon to lend needed supplies and other assistance.” He finishes the article by saying:

“Massachusetts is better prepared for a real disaster because every Patriot’s Day and Fourth of July is treated as a ‘disaster.’ Instead of constant warnings about the inevitability of another terrorist attack or natural catastrophe, the public would be better served if this type of local homeland security innovation were promoted and adopted elsewhere.”

Every Patriot’s Day is treated as a disaster? Is there any reason to believe that this wasn’t the case this year? Arnold Bogis updates us in a Homeland Security blog in April of 2011with an article titled, “The Boston Marathon: In preparedness, the old is new again.” His blog post outlines, “similarities between what (Presidential Policy Directive 8 ) calls for and the actions of Boston officials in preparing for and running the Boston Marathon as a ‘planned disaster.’” He explains:

“…today, in addition to being Tax Day, is Patriot’s Day in Massachusetts and the day on which the Boston Marathon is run. Why is this relevant to homeland security? As I wrote in and op-ed in the Boston Globe a few years ago: Today thousands of runners and hundreds of spectators are unwittingly taking part in a planned disaster.”

A recent ESPN article backs this up saying that, “… in recent years the Boston Marathon has become a training ground for state and local officials to develop their response to large-scale catastrophe, whether man-made (like terrorism) or natural (like an extreme heat wave.)” It goes on to say that the 2008 marathon turned into, “something of an anti-cataclysm laboratory as local agencies cooperated with tech companies and research facilities, bringing an impressive array of hardware to defend the event from disaster.”

According to the article, similar efforts were made at the 2009 marathon when, “the City of Boston first used an ‘enhanced situational awareness’ system developed by Raytheon.” The project named Athena, “integrated video, mapping and tracking software across the city’s police, fire and port security departments into one set of information that any public safety official could use.”

The dry-run disaster training continued into 2012 when the marathon, “deployed the Next-Generation Incident Command System…” The NICS is a, “sort of real-time virtual whiteboard developed by the Lincoln Laboratory, a federally funded research center at MIT.”

So while the public thinks of the Boston Marathon as a yearly sporting event, the government views it as a yearly disaster planning/counter terrorism exercise. Since these exercises have been carried out from at least 2007 to 2012, it seems perfectly reasonable to believe they would have had similar drills this year. In fact a local Boston news station,, covered a reliable eyewitness report of this kind of drill taking place at the time of the event. University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, Alastair Stevenson told the local newscasters that, “They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about. It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.”

While alternative websites covered the report, the mainstream media ignored it and failed to follow it up. Instead the job was left to independent journalist Anthony Gucciardi who did what a real journalist should do. He got an interview with the eyewitness, who then confirmed exactly what he had said earlier:

“At the start at the event, at the Athlete’s Village, there were people on the roof looking down onto the Village at the start. There were dogs with their handlers going around sniffing for explosives, and we were told on a loud announcement that we shouldn’t be concerned and that it was just a drill. And maybe it was just a drill, but I’ve never seen anything like that — not at any marathon that I’ve ever been to. You know, that just concerned me that that’s the only race that I’ve seen in my life where they had dogs sniffing for explosions, and that’s the only place where there had been explosions.”

Pictures showing a man walking on a rooftop at the scene seem to add weight to the eyewitness observations. Other pictures from the event have surfaced that appear to show members of a private military/security firm who were standing near the finish line at some point before the explosion. Gucciardi compares the pictures of their gear with that of private military/security firm Craft International.

Here below are a few of the pictures turned up by 4chan and others.

See photos here:

The previously mentioned Boston Globe article from 2008 gives examples of technologies tested in past races like, “a tracking system that utilizes barcodes and hand scanners to log a patient’s condition and location.” Another picture shows a man at the finish line after the explosion wearing similar clothing to the other two and holding on to some sort of handheld electronic device.

Mike Adams thinks it is most likely an “Inspector Radiation Alert” device and the picture he has found seems like a close match.

Mike Adams has also turned up some more pictures of men dressed like “private security.”

Here below is the picture taken by Dan Lampariello, of the unidentified man on the building during the Boston Marathon bombing.

Of course this is a lot of speculation and I don’t have any “theories” about what really happened. But there are many reasons to question how this attack took place. Often, foiled terror attacks presented to us in the news, later turn out to have been operations provocateured by the government. There is a well established history of the government using entrapment to facilitate terror plots. The New York Times reported on several “lethal terrorist plots” which were “facilitated by the F.B.I, “whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists…” They list the use of dummy missiles, fake C-4 explosives, disarmed suicide vests, and inert chemical bombs as tools provided to naive suspects in order to fabricate these operations.

With history of provocateuring and entrapment style fabricated terror plots, one of the many concerns with drills and exercise scenarios is that they could be used to conduit an actual attack. A terrorist could use the apparatus of the “dry-run” and make a few changes that could flip it live. For example a drill using a fake bomb could be infiltrated and made real by switching in an actual bomb. This relates to the concern with what happened in the 1993 world trade center bombing, where a government informant felt that the FBI failed to prevent a real bomb going off while a supevisor messed up the efforts to replace it with a fake one. Drills could provide cover for someone operating within the system or be they could be hijacked by someone operating outside the system. In any case the governments reflexive action is to cover-up as much as possible and portray the version of events they desire.

With a reliable eyewitness account of drills taking place and the evidence of the Boston Marathon being repeatedly used for “dry-run disater” exercises, the question of drills at this point is perfectly legitimate. The pictures of what look like private contractors with backpacks near the area of the explosion before it took place add to these concerns. Since the mainstream media is pretending false flag terrorism isn’t real, we have to do what we can with what we’ve got, and keep an open mind to this possibility.

Article and photos here:


Boston Marathon Bombings Point To Government Run Terror Operation

Source: Lee Rogers, Blacklisted News

As most of you are probably already aware two bombs were set off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon this past Monday. This was a cowardly and disgusting act which resulted in multiple deaths and gruesome injuries. Unfortunately like tragic events that have come before such as the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building and the September 11th attacks the official narrartive should already be in question. Even though everyone is still digesting what may or may not have happened there are already similarities between the events that took place at the Boston Marathon and both the Oklahoma City bombing and the September 11th attacks.

The first similarity is the fact that a controlled explosion drill by the Boston bomb squad was taking place on the same day as the Boston Marathon. This was initially reported by the Boston Globe and confirmed by eyewitnesses including one who saw bomb sniffing dogs, rooftop snipers and even the police shouting over loud speakers claiming that the real bombs that went off was part of a drill. A television news report of this account can be viewed here. Despite denials at official press conferences, there is very little question if any that a drill was taking place. This is important because there have been several instances of government sponsored drills and exercises taking place at the same time that a major terror event has taken place. Not only have these drills been run in conjunction with the actual terror event but the drills have had striking similarities to the real event. This is usually done as a means to justify or run cover for an operation or to remove groups or people from within the system who might stop the real operation by thinking they are simply involved in an exercise.

During the September 11th attacks there were numerous drills being run by the U.S. military one of which even involved planes flying into buildings on the same day that the actual events unfolded.

During the July 7th 2005 subway and bus bombings in London, an exercise depicting the exact same scenario was taking place simultaneously.

Even with the Oklahoma City bombing a bomb squad was seen by eyewitnesses across from the Alfred P. Murrah building right before it was blown up. On top of this, members of the ATF who worked in the building were told that they shouldn't come into work the very same day of the bombing.

There is no way any sane person can say that these events were just the result of pure chance. Logic would dictate that these events were coordinated just based upon simple statistical probability.

Another interesting connection is the fact that a recently aired episode of the Family Guy cartoon shows the main character winning the Boston Marathon by running over his opponents with an automobile. Later in the episode he converts to Islam, joins an Islamic terrorist group and is depicted using a cell phone to detonate bombs. Although the episode doesn’t specifically show the main character using cell phone bombs to kill people at the Boston Marathon it is extremely odd that all of these different plot elements were contained in a single episode that aired prior to what took place this past Monday.

Even stranger is the fact that Fox has now felt compelled to remove this specific episode of Family Guy from various video streaming web sites. They have blamed Internet hoax videos as the reason for its removal which in of itself is ridiculous. Why remove the episode if there was nothing to hide? Clearly the plot elements contained in the episode raise a number of questions especially when we have seen similar types of fictionalized stories that have foreshadowed both the September 11th attacks and the Oklahoma City bombings.

Six months prior to the September 11th attacks, the pilot episode of the X-Files spinoff the Lone Gunmen showed a plane being taken over by remote control and nearly flown into the Twin Towers. The events in the television show were obviously very similar to what unfolded on September 11th, 2001.

Several years prior to the Oklahoma City bombing, Martin Keating the brother to former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating wrote a book entitled The Final Jihad. One of the key terrorists in the book is a man named Tom McVey who plots to blow up an Oklahoma City federal building and gets pulled over by police for having an equipment malfunction with his car. The plot would closely mirror what happened with the Oklahoma City bombing where the real life Tim McVeigh would be pulled over and caught for driving without a license plate.

If this happened once it could be dismissed as a coincidence but we have now seen several cases of major terrorist events on American soil being foreshadowed before they happened in fictionalized formats. This indicates a very high probability that certain people had some sort of foreknowledge and were announcing these operations to people in the know by hiding it in plain view. The fact that none of these particular incidents have been investigated properly is beyond ridiculous.

On top of this we also see a very similar operation unfolding that has mirrored what happened right after the September 11th attacks. Shortly after the attacks, news broke of letters containing Anthrax that were mailed to prominent media figures and Washington DC politicians. Specifically Anthrax was mailed to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy who were originally opposed to the Patriot Act legislation that the Bush 43 regime was attempting to ram through Congress. The Patriot Act has been widely criticized for granting the federal government sweeping powers that directly infringe on Constitutional rights and basic civil liberty. Just days after the Boston Marathon bombings we see a similar episode with reports indicating that letters containing the highly toxic substance of Ricin were mailed to Washington DC politicians. Call me crazy but this feels and looks like a virtual repeat of the operation that unfolded after the 9/11 attacks.

The FBI investigation into the Anthrax mailings was widely criticized with some accusing the FBI of destroying evidence and participating in a cover up. On top of this, you simply don’t obtain Anthrax at a local convenient store as the most obvious source of Anthrax would be from the government itself which is in control of various biological and chemical weapons labs.

Although there is certainly more information that is going to come out about the Boston Marathon bombings over the next few days and weeks, there are some obvious questions surrounding these events. There are numerous photos of suspicious looking military types with black backpacks hanging around the finish line right before the bombs blew up. We also have government officials lying about the drills that were taking place during the Marathon and refusing to offer any truthful insight as to why these drills were happening at the same time that the bombings took place. There’s even a Saudi Arabian national who is now being deported under what Fox News terrorism expert Steve Emerson said was on the grounds of national security. Even stranger is that this was happening right around the same time that Obama was meeting with the Saudi foreign minister. National security is typically invoked by the federal government to cover up an operation so this is another aspect of the story that needs to be looked at with great scrutiny.

It almost seems as if the establishment is having a difficult time deciding how they are going to offer the public an official explanation for the bombings. Yesterday there were reports that someone was arrested in connection to the bombings but later these reports turned out to be false as the media descended on a Boston courthouse where this suspect was expected to be taken. Then the Boston courthouse was evacuated because of an alleged bomb threat forcing the media to move away from the area. This happened at roughly the same time the aforementioned cache of photos emerged showing all sorts of suspicious looking people near the Marathon's finish line. It is highly probable that the photos showed some of the patsies that they may have been planning to roll out to the public. Although this is pure speculation, it is possible the so-called bomb threat and the evacuation was used to back away from their original plan.

Considering that the federal government has had some sort of direct involvement in almost every major domestic terror attack in recent history, why should we believe whatever story they roll out about this latest operation? Even if you don’t believe that these conspiracies are real, there is no question that the federal government in conjunction with the corporate media has been involved in covering up the truth surrounding major acts of terror on American soil.

Take for example the 9/11 commission which was allegedly setup to determine the truth of what happened on September 11th, 2001. Their report has been widely criticized due to the fact that it omitted a huge amount of information including the suspicious collapse of World Trade Center building number 7. This was the building that collapsed at free fall speed in roughly six seconds after only sustaining light fire damage with video of the event clearly indicating that the building was intentionally brought down with explosives. Even several commission members thought that they were being lied to by the Pentagon with one member Max Cleland resigning and accusing the Bush 43 regime of a cover up.

We’ve also seen the federal government slaughter dozens of people including women and children during the horrific incident that took place in Waco Texas back in 1993. If this doesn’t indicate that the federal government is an out of control evil entity capable of almost anything, it is hard to say what will. Obama has no problem authorizing the U.S. military to use drone strikes in foreign countries which has resulted in the deaths of innocent women and children so this type of evil is par for the course.

It should be very interesting to see whoever the government and the corporate media decide to blame for plotting and executing these latest attacks. More importantly whatever story they put out should immediately be dismissed as a lie considering their horrific track record. Most likely they will try to blame the attacks on an Islamic terrorist cell or your stereotypical white male patriot/militia type. Or if the Family Guy episode is any indication, it could be a combination of both where they roll out the dreaded white Al-Qaeda. Never mind the fact that the U.S. government is actively supporting Al-Qaeda linked groups in Syria.

Based upon what we have seen so far, the Boston Marathon bombings have all the hallmarks of a government sanctioned operation that has been executed in order to justify more legislation that will further destroy civil liberty in America. If you don’t believe that’s the case, visit Boston which has been transformed into an authoritarian police state as a result of these bombings.


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