
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What else will the government force us to buy?

Here are 7 more things the Obama administration may soon require everyone to purchase

If Obamacare is ruled constitutional

Mike Adams

The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments this week about Obama’s health care law, which has been challenged by twenty-six states. The crux of the legal arguments center around whether the federal government can mandate private citizens to purchase a product or service they may not even want or need. (I don’t buy health insurance, for example, because I prefer to invest in healthy eating and superfoods.)

If the Supreme Court upholds the constitutionality of Obamacare, it would mean a limitless expansion of federal government authority to dictate to Americans what they must buy — and then to financially penalize Americans who don’t buy those products or services. This is precisely the model for Obamacare, which financially punishes those who fail to buy private health insurance by fining them through the IRS.

I began to wonder: What else might the government force Americans to buy if they are granted this absurd new power by the Supreme Court? I’m sure there all sorts of things the government would want to push for its selected business buddies who profit from Obama’s new consumption mandates. So here are ten more things the Obama administration may soon require people to purchase (or else!).

#1) A Chevy Volt

Since nobody is voluntarily buying Chevy Volts, for the good of the auto industry we must all be forced to buy them! That will keep Detroit in business and create jobs for the economy. Keep America strong!

Chevy dealers will be staffed with military personnel toting M4 rifles, and those rifles will be pointed at customers to make sure they “comply” with Obama’s new economic program. Those who refuse to buy a Chevy Volt will be punished by being forced to buy a Chevy pickup.

#2) Annual flu shots

With so many people figuring out that flu shots are total medical quackery and are intentionally laced with mercury preservatives, it’s no wonder most people don’t want to buy them anymore.

Without public demand for vaccines, the vaccine industry might collapse! And that would be terrible for the fat cat CEOs who run those companies and also sit on the boards of all the other global elite corporations. The answer? Mandate annual flu shots for every person, every year! Get your flu shot, or we’ll throw you in prison and jab you there!

#3) Terrorism insurance

What? You don’t own terrorism insurance? Then how will you keep your family safe with all the countless terrorism attacks happening every day?

Coming soon: Obama’s buddies will set up a whole new insurance scam called “terrorism insurance,” and they’ll use false flag terror attacks to remind people why they need to keep buying insurance policies. All Americans will be forced into buying these terrorism insurance policies, and those who don’t will be called anti-American traitors.

What? You don’t have terrorism insurance? You must be one of those anti-government nuts who also owns gold. Yeah, that’s a sure sign of being a terrorist yourself.

#4) Pink slime

Given that nobody in the country wants to buy pink slime anymore — that’s the new term for “mechanically separated meat” that has suddenly become widely known across the ‘net ( — the government may simply force everybody to buy it!

Yep, every month you’ll have your “pink slime quota” that you must meat — er, I mean meet — by purchasing pink slime at the grocery store, filling out twelve pages of documentation describing your purchase, then mailing it off to Washington with proof your purchase to a whole new federal department called “Food Usability for All” or just “F U All” for short.

#5) Air tickets

Given that the TSA has utterly destroyed the U.S. travel economy with its illegal, perverted “hands down your pants” search and seizure protocol, Obama must mandate that everybody buy one air ticket a month, whether you need it or not.

Supporting the travel industry is patriotic, didn’t you know? And if you refuse to buy an air ticket each month, you’ll be visited by TSA agents in your own home who will conduct a crotch-and-anus search of your entire family in lieu of you actually showing up at the airport for the search. This will be called a “pre-search” for the travel you’re supposed to be taking. You can never be too safe in the war on terror, right? Now bend over…

#6) A gun – but you have to carry it into Mexico and sell it to a drug gang member

This might be called the “Eric Holder” program: Every American will be required to buy a firearm at a gun shop in a state bordering Mexico, then walk that gun across the border and deposit it into the hands of the Mexican drug gangs.

Oh, wait… that program already exists. It’s called “Fast & Furious” or “Operation Gunwalker,” and it was dreamed up by Attorney General Eric Holder to cause gun violence by having ATF operatives buy guns in America and sell them to Mexican drug gangs. (

#7) Obama Water – with electrolytes!

Coming soon: Obama Water! It’s got electrolytes! And if you drink it, you’ll get free rent for the rest of your life.

Or should I just call it the Obama Kool-Aid?

Either way, the government will make you buy it, and you can bet it will be “enhanced” with government-approved fluoride chemicals. But they can’t actually make you drink it, so flushing always remains an option for getting rid of the stuff.

Tyrants versus entrepreneurs

The difference between tyrants and entrepreneurs is that tyrants always FORCE you to buy things, while entrepreneurs leave it up to you and your free choice.

At the same time tyrants force you to buy their products and services even if you don’t want them, they alsocriminalizeyou buying things they don’t want you to have — such as raw milk, Chinese Medicine herbs or medical marijuana.

So instead of respecting freedom and the free market, the oppressive system of economic dictatorship being practiced by governments everywhere is designed to deny people their free choice and force them to purchase monopoly-priced products that the people don’t even want.

This is how national economies are destroyed. Once government starts telling you what you can and can’t buy, the whole economy becomes distorted at first, and then paralyzed soon thereafter. That’s when governments historically bring in yet more insane economic policies such as price control which almost immediately result in a wipeout of available supplies (store shelves stripped bare).

The bottom line truth in all this is that centrally-planned economies always — ALWAYS — fail! No government, no matter how compassionate or well-meaning, can replace the individual economic decisions and behavior of hundreds of millions of people. That’s why protecting liberty is the only proper role of government. By protecting liberty (and free choice), the government allows the People to make their own decisions about products and services. Government intervention only interferes with good decision making, causing both economic loss andresentmentamong the population.

No one wants to be forced to buy something, especially if that something is supporting the drugs-and-surgery medical industry (which is heavily populated with quacks, criminals, corrupt scientists and fabricated data).

I repeat here that I will REFUSE to buy health insurance mandated by Obama or any other president. No politician has any right to tell me what I can and cannot buy as a free citizen in a (supposedly) free country. And any decision the U.S. Supreme Court renders that stands in gross violation of the Constitution and its Bill of Rights is automatically null and void from the outset. You cannot legislate against natural, God-given rights, and no government has any right whatsoever to force you to buy something you do not wish to buy.


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